Tuesday, January 29, 2013

And Again!

So, I found this in the draft page of my blog...

Surprise!!  Two posts in one day!  I'm setting up on a new, big screened desk top PC; so here we go...!

Here is an FO from Summer 2012:

Colour Affection.  Lots of people have made it.  And another surprise...I didn't hate the garter stitch.  Short rows made it bearable.

So, as I mentioned we went on a cruise.


I finished this sweater while we were on the cruise and I wanted a nice picture. That's my husband; not some random sweater model guy.  (That would be a great gig though, wouldn't it?)  The yarn and pattern were a birthday gift from Transit Knitter...Thank-you again E.

Ummm, yeah, it was a BIG SHIP!!!
Can't wait to do it again!


That I have been consistently blogging since August 2012...
 That I knew how to create an entertaining post with the new (to me) blogger format...

 That you can actually see flowers blooming in January in New York City...

That the people who work to show the wonder of that city, are very good at their jobs...
That those same people will put you in a cab to keep the street people from bothering you; so you can go see even more sights...

That Times Square truly shines bright and never goes to sleep...

That YOU CAN go shopping on Fifth Avenue....

That The Tiffany Diamond is truly THAT Spectacular...

That SACS Fifth Avenue can make you feel young and beautiful...
And they serve a delightful lunch...that you knit at...

 And lastly, imagine that you attend Vogue Knitting Live in New York City, spend time with the people---even though they're strangers---who understand you better than most. They know that the colour and the vibrancy of the yarn that you see and touch only speaks to you of the potential for beauty and creativity in your life.
And with that, your soul sings.