Friday, November 16, 2007

Green Cats?

Helloooo out there! Yes, I know it's been too long, but it has also been too busy! Birthdays, work, school, laundry, appointments, knitting, sewing; did I mention laundry?
Aww, the Laundry Lament; does it ever get old? No, even with all our wonderful mechanical achievements the dirty undies still never manage to make it down to the laundry room, into the washer, into the dryer, folded and returned to their rightful place in the top drawer without the genious that is 'mother'.
And now, back to our topic of the day.
I was reading Cotton Picker and she mentioned that her husband (my uncle) would like a "Green Man"...
So I go with her link to find, not a martian, but a "Green Man". Knowing my uncle and his interest in past monuments I wasn't completely surprised to find the various faces portrayed. I was TOTALLY psyched to find this puppy though:
I LOVE IT!! I love the greenery, I love the face and I was a French Horn player in High School; so this is way cool!! I see this turning into something crafty~~~
Links are like a box of're never sure what you're gonna get! (thank-you Forest) I read some of the references for 'The Green Man" and found that they also mentioned a Green Cat; O.K. let's see what a green cat is all about. I went through the whole thing, but the oooo's and awwww's were audible when I came to this photo.

Young Kitten the first time her eyes were opened. I can barely stand the cuteness! I'm assuming it's a girl, because my orange cats are girls; so there. Just look at that face, go on LOOOK!!

O.K. so maybe you're not a cat person so much, you know they do what they want and not so much what you want. They hack up hair balls (some more than others). They bring you unwanted presents from hunting in the field. And then there's the litter box, the cleaning of which only gets done, again, thanks to the genious, that is 'mother'. Well thanks to the wonder of the internet, my next cat (that screaming you hear, is my husband, swearing off cats for ever more) will have to learn this trick!
His name's Panther and if you look closely those tiny back claws are clinging on for dear life! He has that know the one..."I disdain humans. Why can't I just be left alone; do I bother you when you are in the bathroom?...No wait, don't answer that. I disdain humans."

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