Monday, March 3, 2008

The Best Made Plans

O.K. I've been working on this simple bit of knitting while travelling the bus weekly for a few weeks now (well, when I wasn't sleeping I was knitting) and finally had it out and in the same room as a tape measure and found that I had one more inch to go. Since I had the tape there I counted how many rows to finish that last inch; ten rows, that's all! Now, how can I effectively work those ten rows without counting everything all over again? Ten Maltesers!! Work a row, eat a sweet; work a row, eat a sweet; work another 160 stitches and eat a lovely, soft, delicious, sweet!

The plan was work ten rows (and thereby consume the Maltesers) and that would be the inch worked and then all I needed to do was complete my decrease row (which didn't involve candy).

I honestly don't know why I bother to plan; things rarely work out the way I plan them.

After eight rows I thought, that looks like it might be the right length already; so I measured and yup, eight rows and I'm there! Now, being the true knitter that I am, I had a choice to make; should I:

a) recheck my gauge, because obviously there was a problem...two rows worth!?

b) put the extra Maltesers back in the package? or

c) work the decrease row---eat a Malteser and finish---but what about the last sweet?

Yea, I ate it and you know why?

Because I'm worth it!!

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