Friday, February 29, 2008

Quick Update

Once again we're in the, "Yea, we can get all that done---if nothing goes wrong!" mode. And usually, that's when life comes along and reminds you that you are not in charge! But onward we go!! (I've just started two sentences incorrectly...'and' and 'but''s difficult to stick to what you know to be correct when you seem to be the only one worrying about it.)

So, to put all your minds to rest...the Star/Skirt issue is fine. I reread the pattern and I'm o.k.; no frogging necessary! Woohoo!

Now, for some real excitement. I received my dotee from my swap partner, Boxoftrix! All the way from Scotland and she's a very talented lady. And thoughtful too, look....

When I was assigned as her swap-bot partner, she checked out my blog, emailed me to confirm that Whoppers were indeed like their Maltesers. I told her that yes, they were similar, but that their Maltesers were far superior to our Whoppers...and she sent me some!! Isn't that sweet?! And a pair of earrings. I received this package the day after my birthday; so it was a special surprise.

The problem I'm having now is my daughter (8) made me a pair of earrings too and wonders why I was wearing these other ones instead of hers?!

So many earrings; so little time!

1 comment:

Yvonne Moxon said...

How nice that it arrived the day after your birthday! Im so glad you liked her, thanks for posting this it was really nice to read it :O) Thank You!